I remember my first migraine clearly. I had gone to an Easter show with my dad and sister that involved loud noises and strobe lights. On the drive home I kept telling my dad, 'my head hurts.' He said, 'you can take some Tylenol when we get back to the house.' I kept repeating it. 'My head hurts really bad.'
We got back to the house. I took two Tylenol. I knew something was very wrong, that it wasn't a 'headache', but I couldn't articulate it. My dad, probably tired of hearing me repeat over and over 'my head hurts', suggested I go to bed. I thought maybe a shower would help. I turned on the hot water, got in, threw up, got out, and laid on the bed praying to die.
I woke up the next morning feeling completely normal. I was shocked at how much better I felt. How could it feel so bad and then go away so suddenly?
If only it had stayed that easy!